Filipa Pisco
Currently working at Pista Mágica - Association, a Volunteering School, as project manager, trainer and consultant in Volunteer Management. Graduated in Biomedical Sciences and Post-Graduate in Project Management in Development Cooperation.
Being a scout for 10 years, had the opportunity to do volunteering national activities with different groups - youngsters, children with special educational needs and homeless people.
Internationally, was involved in two Volunteer Programs: in 2015, in the Province of Inhambane (Mozambique) and in 2017 in the Refugee Camp on the Island of Samos (Greece) - development of non-formal education activities, distribution of clothing and food, rehabilitation of structures and spaces.
Coordinated, on a voluntary basis, a program of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Very observant, with a good sense of humor and a special appreciation for the smell of nature on winter mornings.